How it works

goTrace "compares" databases of different agencies. If two records in different databases are identified as similar, then the agencies, who own the databases, are notified about a possible match - no data is shared at this stage.They can contact each other to obtain the specific information highlighted by the match.

Step 1.

Agency A uses goTrace to transform records from its own database into encrypted values (using the hash function). This encryption
is irreversible: you cannot restore the original data from the encrypted value ("hash"). (But the similar records will still have similar hashes).

Step 2.

Transformed ("hashed") records are transferred to the partner agency. The transfer of files is arranged between the two agencies to
comply with the national standards - by couriers, protected government network, with extra encryption etc.

Step 3.

The transformed "hashed" records are downloaded by Agency B onto the goTrace system and compared with its own data. goTrace
then shows the matches in both a chart and grid format.

Step 4.

Agencies A and B then make arrangements between themselves to obtain the specific information highlighted by the goTrace matches.
This is done without goTrace and according to bilateral agreements and national requirements (or international treaties and conventions).


There is no "Big Brother" involved: no central server, no internet connection is needed. 
